Texas Professional LLC (PLLC) Overview

Texas Professional LLC (PLLC) Overview

A business entity that is formed for the purpose of providing a "professional service" (i.e., a service that requires a Texas license) may need to be a professional entity like a professional corporation (PC) or professional LLC (PLLC).
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What is a PLLC?

A "professional limited liability company" or PLLC is a type of limited liability company that is created for the purpose of providing a professional service. Generally speaking, a "professional service" is any type of service that requires a license from the state.

Classic examples of "professional service" providers would be architects, attorneys, CPAs, dentists, physicians, and veterinarians.

Should your business be a PLLC?

An LLC is preferred to a PLLC due to ownership restrictions of a PLLC. As such, a PLLC is typically only used when required.

What kinds of businesses are required to use a PLLC?

Any profession that requires a license to perform a service may need professional entity like a PLLC. The Texas Secretary of State has created a very useful chart that describes the permissible entity types for various professions.

What rules govern Texas PLLCs?

Chapter 301 of the Texas Business Organizations Code sets out the rules related to PLLCs and other professional entities.

Can I convert my Texas LLC to a Texas PLLC?

Yes, an existing Texas LLC can be converted to a PLLC. For more information on this topic, see our article on How to Convert a Texas LLC to a PLLC.

What are the benefits of using a PLLC?

There are no additional legal benefits in using a PLLC compared to an LLC. As such, a PLLC is often only used when required. If a PLLC is used it MUST be owned only by professional individuals or professional entities. For example, a PLLC that provides legal services MUST be owned by licensed attorneys (or another professional entity owned by licensed attorneys).

Can a Texas PLLC be owned by one person?

A Texas PLLC can be owned by 1 person (aka a single-member LLC), but can also have multiple owners.

Can a Texas PLLC be governed by a unlicensed professional?

No, pursuant to section 301.007 of the Texas Business Organizations Code, an individual may be a governing person (or officer) of a PLLC only if the individual is licensed (in Texas  or another jurisdiction) to provide the same professional service as is rendered by the PLLC.
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Zachary Copp, Esq.

Attorney at Copp Law Firm, PC

Mr. Copp is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and the founder of the Copp Law Firm. He has been licensed in Texas for 20 years and has personally formed over 3,500 Texas LLCs since 2015. He was recognized as a Rising Star by SuperLawyers® for seven straight years. See full bio →

Comments 10

  1. I am considering hiring an attorney for converting my llc to a pllc. I also have had several unfortunate issues (CPA didn’t file yearly form; attorney didn’t pass along mail stating my LLC would be forfeited). I’m working with the comptroller to reinstate my llc now. I’d love a consultation.

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  2. Hi,

    I am interested in converting my counseling practice from an LLC to a PLLC. First, I would like someone to advise me on whether this is necessary and if it is, am interested to know how much you would charge to help me convert my business. My business name is Revive Counseling LLC. Thank you!

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      Mark, the general rule is that if the business requires a Texas license it will need to be a professional entity. However, every licensing agency has the ability to override the general rule. The Texas Secretary of State has put together a great permissible entity chart that outlines the options for the various license types. For example, if you are a Licensed (Mental Health or Professional) Counselor, your options are PC, PLLC or PA. If you’d like for me to convert your Texas LLC to a PLLC, you can submit everything I need via the link above.

  3. If I am trying to create a single-member LLC as a registered nurse, am I required to form a PLLC? I would prefer to just form an LLC since it will only be me. Thank you!

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